Category: STC 4D

STC 4D 176/22 (Sun)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-25 (Sun)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-25 (Sun) Draw No:176/22
1ST Prize 3800
2ND Prize 3707
3RD Prize 8944
5156 —- 7550 1897 7440
9257 3553 —- —- 3338
2225 6303 1039
2784 6583 9466 4621 2132
9964 1322 4035 7214 7835

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STC 4D 175/22 (Sat)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-24 (Sat)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-24 (Sat) Draw No:175/22
1ST Prize 3718
2ND Prize 0120
3RD Prize 7143
2307 —- 5041 9663 7407
9114 7018 8917 1366 —-
1885 5707 —-
2970 6810 5021 4297 0830
1293 2555 5342 2163 8553

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STC 4D 174/22 (Wed)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-21 (Wed)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-21 (Wed) Draw No:174/22
1ST Prize 5043
2ND Prize 3960
3RD Prize 9567
7344 3458 —- 3924 8643
4294 5427 3480 —- —-
4404 3779 8852
4540 9266 6110 9204 3369
1600 2919 9556 9485 0260

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STC 4D 173/22 (Tue)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-20 (Tue)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-20 (Tue) Draw No:173/22
1ST Prize 9348
2ND Prize 2405
3RD Prize 4064
—- 3308 4465 6779 4629
2454 7513 —- 5161 6456
3742 —- 8997
6632 2063 2189 9506 3711
6326 4785 4805 0909 1264

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STC 4D 172/22 (Sun)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-18 (Sun)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-18 (Sun) Draw No:172/22
1ST Prize 3530
2ND Prize 5920
3RD Prize 6700
3558 —- 1849 —- 1331
—- 0857 6761 6276 5511
3103 5762 8995
0566 3376 5119 6655 8152
5081 8403 8195 2613 3061

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STC 4D 171/22 (Sat)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-17 (Sat)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-17 (Sat) Draw No:171/22
1ST Prize 3270
2ND Prize 8995
3RD Prize 7719
6433 2795 —- 6643 5089
—- 1857 4042 4420 9169
8516 —- 2702
4627 9144 0101 6152 3567
2714 6388 0170 2089 8728

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STC 4D 170/22 (Wed)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-14 (Wed)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-14 (Wed) Draw No:170/22
1ST Prize 1376
2ND Prize 6237
3RD Prize 0681
3405 4652 1679 4873 —-
5323 —- 6868 0281 8572
5121 7215 —-
2915 6353 3240 8639 3281
0741 2157 6257 5732 5094

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