Category: STC 4D

STC 4D 004/23 (Sun)

STC 4D Result
Date :2023-01-08 (Sun)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2023-01-08 (Sun) Draw No:004/23
1ST Prize 4746
2ND Prize 2139
3RD Prize 0186
7355 5116 4955 —- —-
4830 7574 1098 3905 6273
—- 3941 9894
7468 8420 2442 8873 3418
2758 6313 7182 8149 4935

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STC 4D 003/23 (Sat)

STC 4D Result
Date :2023-01-07 (Sat)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2023-01-07 (Sat) Draw No:003/23
1ST Prize 0360
2ND Prize 8712
3RD Prize 5194
8543 2923 0223 2584 —-
1552 6054 —- —- 1783
6225 5789 2393
1646 2330 5636 2700 3350
9067 6519 2304 0396 7711

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STC 4D 002/23 (Wed)

STC 4D Result
Date :2023-01-04 (Wed)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2023-01-04 (Wed) Draw No:002/23
1ST Prize 6742
2ND Prize 9405
3RD Prize 4179
7928 0155 —- 8324 3408
0089 —- 4992 3874 8091
5734 5425 —-
9798 3100 8144 2801 9300
9438 3261 4782 0950 9331

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STC 4D 001/23 (Sun)

STC 4D Result
Date :2023-01-01 (Sun)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2023-01-01 (Sun) Draw No:001/23
1ST Prize 0662
2ND Prize 3835
3RD Prize 8859
—- 5234 7814 3569 9848
7103 —- 7551 9380 0747
4668 6384 —-
6589 5511 4245 3786 4859
0807 5220 1356 7866 0919

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STC 4D 179/22 (Sat)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-31 (Sat)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-31 (Sat) Draw No:179/22
1ST Prize 7941
2ND Prize 0398
3RD Prize 3670
1310 —- 5568 2405 1380
0505 —- —- 0418 0566
9439 5374 8332
8833 9658 5325 5341 6694
9378 8175 4015 2614 8361

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STC 4D 178/22 (Wed)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-28 (Wed)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-28 (Wed) Draw No:178/22
1ST Prize 6759
2ND Prize 3864
3RD Prize 1029
4714 —- 3796 9166 —-
—- 6455 9512 4797 2943
3230 3213 4486
0780 8927 1079 2342 1894
5808 1046 3732 9308 2003

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STC 4D 177/22 (Tue)

STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-27 (Tue)

STC 4D STC 4D Result
Date :2022-12-27 (Tue) Draw No:177/22
1ST Prize 2549
2ND Prize 9948
3RD Prize 0101
3645 6777 8699 —- 4552
1378 3581 —- 4255 0444
—- 2719 2240
9585 0306 2862 3226 9013
0340 9532 6169 8996 2086

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